the rise of


A build is not merely a purchase and addition of parts. It is a rollercoaster of emotions, attention to detail, time keeping, identification, analysis and solutions to problems. Little would have one thought that a car he viewed 6 months ago would be registered under his name one fine evening, mid summer. A 2011 Tundra, Canadian spec, which was not an ideal canvas any petrolhead would like to build on, considering its condition, the fact that it has not seen the road or desert for 1 year 5 months and even drawing your attention to the tiniest fact that the engine cuts off when the steering wheel turns left or right. A second look wasn’t required to tell that this was not to going to be a piece of cake.



“The one that was supposed to last an hour, but took 4”

As the car, in a messy undrivable state, reached titan performance, the crew received the car immediately and began drafting the verdict once the car went on the lift.

The Build

“Look for an UMP-9!” 

No premade parts, No Templates and no previous tests meant that all the concepts and inspirations had to be taken from the Screenshot of the game, crafted, tested and pulled off!


“Attention to detail is a virtue”:


“Generating comfort zones”

The Handover

It is quite natural for roadblocks and challenges to come along the way of a build, but Alpha had thrown challenges at the team that demanded the entire pack  to come together and think as one. Dusks and Dawns of trial and error, hours of concentrated installations to ensure perfection and only premium parts that made a statement about . quality over quantity

 After 2 months of dealing with countless suppliers, technicians, shipping agents, qualified experts and a professional team, the day was finally here.

The Volcano paint job displayed it’s multi shade Orange-Yellow-Black combination as soon as she stepped out under the sun for the first time. The roar of the exhaust system echoed around the garage walls, necks turned from whatever they were doing, phones had cameras On, the day running lights added an essence of a sly smile to the car and everyone smiled. The Alpha was awake!

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